Trouble With Cowboys

Book Title:  Trouble with Cowboys

Author: Denise Hunter 
Genres: Romance, Christian, Fiction, Cowboys, Western,Christian Fiction
Series: A Big Sky Romance # 3
Publisher: Thomas Nelson
Pub Date: October 2, 2012 (304 Pages, Paperback)
Book Source: I got for review from BookSqueeze in a form of an E-book

Only one pair of boots-and the cowboy wearing them-can get Annie out of the mess she’s in. “”

Annie Wilkerson is Moose Creek’s premiere horse trainer and equine columnist for “Montana Living.” Money is tight as she tries to put her kid-sister through college and provide for her young nephew.

When Annie’s column is cancelled, she’s given first shot at a new lovelorn column-and she can’t afford to turn it down. Only problem is . . . Annie’s never been in love.

Always resourceful, she reluctantly strikes a deal with the town’s smooth-talking ladies’ man Dylan Taylor: She’ll work with his ailing horse, Braveheart, if he’ll help her answer the reader letters.

Working closely with Dylan is harder than Annie imagined, and she quickly realizes she may have misjudged him. But her unwavering conviction that cowboys are nothing but trouble has kept her heart safe for years. And she can’t risk getting hurt now.

The more Annie tries to control things, the more they fall apart. Her feelings are spinning out of control, and her sister’s antics are making life increasingly more difficult. Annie knows she needs to turn the reins over to God, but surrender has never come easily.

When Dylan reveals his feelings for her, Annie doesn’t know what to trust-her head or her heart.

The trouble with “this” cowboy is that he might just be exactly what she needs.

My Thoughts:
This was a found read. It also got my emotions for what a surprising ending as well. Dylan and Annie have to struggle with their past to get though. Though Annie is more worried about her sister and nephew more so then what really is bothering her.

Though it all though they do find somethings. I suggest if you pick this one up you get some tissues. It reach the value of true love and having faith and letting go. Annie as though things needing to learn though out the book. Dylan need to learn somethings though most of it is Annie needing to learn to trust as well.

My Reviews: GoodreadsShelfariLibraryThingChristianbooks/Barnes & Noble/

My Rating:

Review: Trouble with Cowboys

Book Title:  Trouble with Cowboys
Author: Denise Hunter 
Genres: Romance, Christian, Fiction, Cowboys, Western,Christian Fiction
Series: A Big Sky Romance # 3
Publisher: Thomas Nelson
Pub Date: October 2, 2012 (304 Pages, Paperback)
Book Source: I got for review from BookSqueeze in a form of an E-book

Only one pair of boots-and the cowboy wearing them-can get Annie out of the mess she’s in. “”

Annie Wilkerson is Moose Creek’s premiere horse trainer and equine columnist for “Montana Living.” Money is tight as she tries to put her kid-sister through college and provide for her young nephew.

When Annie’s column is cancelled, she’s given first shot at a new lovelorn column-and she can’t afford to turn it down. Only problem is . . . Annie’s never been in love.

Always resourceful, she reluctantly strikes a deal with the town’s smooth-talking ladies’ man Dylan Taylor: She’ll work with his ailing horse, Braveheart, if he’ll help her answer the reader letters.

Working closely with Dylan is harder than Annie imagined, and she quickly realizes she may have misjudged him. But her unwavering conviction that cowboys are nothing but trouble has kept her heart safe for years. And she can’t risk getting hurt now.

The more Annie tries to control things, the more they fall apart. Her feelings are spinning out of control, and her sister’s antics are making life increasingly more difficult. Annie knows she needs to turn the reins over to God, but surrender has never come easily.

When Dylan reveals his feelings for her, Annie doesn’t know what to trust-her head or her heart.

The trouble with “this” cowboy is that he might just be exactly what she needs.

My Thoughts:
This was a found read. It also got my emotions for what a surprising ending as well. Dylan and Annie have to struggle with their past to get though. Though Annie is more worried about her sister and nephew more so then what really is bothering her.

Though it all though they do find somethings. I suggest if you pick this one up you get some tissues. It reach the value of true love and having faith and letting go. Annie as though things needing to learn though out the book. Dylan need to learn somethings though most of it is Annie needing to learn to trust as well.

My Reviews: Goodreads/ ShelfariLibraryThing/ Christianbooks/ Barnes & Noble/

My Rating: