A Life Apart

Book Title: A Life Apart
Authors:  L.Y. Marlow
Publisher: Broadway Books
Pub Date: April 22, 2014
Disclaimer: “I received this book for free from Blogging for Books for this review.”
Genres: Historical Fiction, Romance, Pearl Harbor, Civil Rights, WWII,
Description: From the author of Color Me Butterfly, the poignant story of a decades-long interracial love affair between a white sailor and the sister of the black sailor who saved his life at Pearl Harbor.
When Morris Sullivan joins the navy in 1940, his hopes are high. Though he leaves behind his new wife and their baby daughter, he is thrilled to be pursuing his lifelong dream-only to be shipped off to Pearl Harbor when the war begins. When he narrowly survives the 1941 attack, thanks to the courage of a black sailor he doesn’t know, Morris is determined to seek out the man’s family and express his gratitude and respect. On leave, he tracks down the man’s sister, and finds an immediate, undeniable connection with the nurturing yet fiercely independent Beatrice, who has left the stifling South of her upbringing for the more liberal, integrated north.

Though both try to deny their growing bond, their connection and understanding is everything missing from Morris’s hasty marriage to his high school sweetheart Agnes, and from Beatrice’s plodding life as she grieves the brother she has lost. At once a family epic, and a historical drama that takes readers from World War II through the Civil Rights Movement to the present day, A Life Apart is about a love that creates complicated and unbreakable ties between two families that live worlds apart. L.Y. Marlow brings readers along for the emotional journey as Morris and Beatrice’s relationship is tested by time, family loyalties, racial tensions, death, unending guilt, and the profound effects of war.

My Thoughts:
I enjoy this era a bit. I was keep interest in WWII. I also like the way this book went about differently and how thing got complicated between the father and mother of the book. I also like how a romance happened between a white solider and a black solider sister. You learn about some of the things going on Civil Rights. You see it though his daughters, there mothers. It really is a good book.

My Reviews: Goodreads/Shelfari/LibraryThing/Barnes and Noble

Army Wives, Under the Sabers

Title of Book: Army Wives, Under the Sabers
Author: Tanya Biank
Genre: Military, Army, Non Fiction, War, Adult
Publisher: St. Martin’s Griffin
Pub Date: May 27, 2009
Book Source: Borrowed from the Library
Contact Author: Website
Where to Buy: AmazonBarnes & NobleBooksamillion.comWalmart

In the summer of 2002, Army wives were in the headlines after Tanya Biank, a military reporter for the Fayetteville Observer, made international news when she broke the story about four Army wives who were brutally murdered by their husbands in the span of six weeks at Fort Bragg, an Army post that is home to the Green Berets, Airborne paratroopers, and Delta Force commandos. By that autumn, Biank, an Army brat herself, realized the still untold story of Army wives lay in the ashes of that tragic and sensationalized summer. She knew the truth: wives were the backbone of the Army. They were strong – not helpless – and deserved more than the sugarcoating that often accompanied their stories in the media.” “Under the Sabers tells the story of four typical Army wives who, in a flash, find themselves neck-deep in extraordinary circumstances that ultimately force them to redefine who they are as women and wives. In this researched account, Biank takes the reader past the Army’s gates, where everyone has a role to play, rules are followed, discipline is expected, perfection praised, and perception often overrides reality. Biank explores what happens when real life collides with Army convention.” She describes what it means to be a wife and mother in a subculture that is in a constant state of readiness for war. In this book, Biank takes a close look at the other woman – the Army itself – and its impact on wives, marriages, and home life.

My Thoughts on this Book:
I checked this book out so I could understand a show that was called “Army Wives” on lifetime. I knew the show was based on the book. So finally had checked it out to read it.

When I started reading the book. Tanya Banks starts by tell you about herself in terms of telling you a little of what going on around her and her breaking the news. She goes to a army post to get her reports and tell you about what going on. She also introduces four army wives and families.

Each family is tell their own story by the army wife. She goes from wife to many but she also tell tales as she is apart of the story as well. The story starts with her a bit and then you meet the families and she start each section of the book. You get the whole story of each family she talking about beging to end with her in it. She also close the book talking. I do recommend this book if you are Armywive fan as of the show on lifetime.

I was into this book. I felt each armywives heart and feelings. I felt I like was there in their house. You can certify feel the emotions to each armywives and family. It may be a bit confusing at first but you do understand as it goes from one family to the next. The show protrait the book a bit not completely but does goes with it.

My Reviews: Goodreads

My Rating:


Book Title: Fearless: The Heroic Story of One Navy SEAL’s Sacrifice in the Hunt for Osama Bin Laden and the Unwavering Devotion of the Woman Who Loved Him
Author: Eric Blehm
Genres: Non Fiction, War, Military, Christian, Fearless, Family, Navy Seal
Publisher: The Doubleday Religious Publishing Group
Pub Date: May 22, 2012 (256 Pages, Hardcover)
Book Source: Hardcover, Received for an Honest review
Contact Author: Goodreads / Website
Read the first Chapter: Chapter 1
Get the Book here: Waterbrook Multnomah / Book Site /

Fearless takes you deep into SEAL Team Six, straight to the heart of one of it’s most legendary operators.

When Navy SEAL Adam Brown woke up on March 17, 2010, he didn’t know he would die that night in the Hindu Kush Mountains of Afghanistan—but he was ready: In a letter to his children, not meant to be seen unless the worst happened, he had written, “I’m not afraid of anything that might happen to me on this Earth, because I know no matter what, nothing can take my spirit from me.”

But long before Adam Brown became a member of the elite SEAL Team Six—the counterterrorism unit that took down Osama bin Laden—there was a fun-loving country boy from Arkansas whose greatest goal had been to wear his high school’s football jersey. An undersized daredevil, prone to jumping off roofs into trees and off bridges into lakes, Adam was a kid who broke his own bones but would never break a promise to his parents … until he grew older, and his family watched that appetite for risk draw him into a downward spiral that eventually landed him in jail.

FEARLESS is the story of a man of extremes, whose determination was fueled by faith, family, and the love of a woman. It’s about a man who waged a war against his own worst impulses and persevered to reach the top tier of the U.S. military. Always the first to volunteer for the most dangerous assignments, Adam’s final act of bravery led to the ultimate sacrifice.

FEARLESS is the intimate story of a devoted man who was an unlikely hero but a true warrior, described by all who knew him as just that—fearless. 

My Thoughts:
When I read about this book from the author that email that was sent to me. I was like yes I want read about this. I really did enjoy it.

It about the life of a Navy Seal named Adam Brown. It take you though this live from when He was born to when he died. The story starts out with an interview kind of setting. Though it goes though from How his parents meet and then and it goes though focus on Adam life. I really is a good read. It got to my emotions a bit twice though out the book.

There are somethings that Adam does that are strange but also some really bad things. You will be surpirese to see where he end up being. It quite amazing at what he was able to to do and fight though to get there. If you want a good read and Non Fiction book this is a good one to pick up and read. It read though this family and teammates and friends.

My Reviews: Goodreads / Shelfari / Barnes & Noble /


My Rating:

A Sound Among the Tree

Title of Book: A Sound Among the Trees
Author: Susan Meissner
Genre: Civil War, Historical Fiction, Military, Romance, Young Adult, Adult, Mystery
Publisher: WaterBrook Multnomah
Pub Date: October 4 , 2011 (336 Pages, Paperback)
Book Source: Paperback
Author Contact: Twitter / Website /

A house shrouded in time.
A line of women with a heritage of loss.As a young bride, Susannah Page was rumored to be a Civil War spy for the North, a traitor to her Virginian roots. Her great-granddaughter Adelaide, the current matriarch of Holly Oak, doesn’t believe that Susannah’s ghost haunts the antebellum mansion looking for a pardon, but rather the house itself bears a grudge toward its tragic past.When Marielle Bishop marries into the family and is transplanted from the arid west to her husband’s home, it isn’t long before she is led to believe that the house she just settled into brings misfortune to the women who live there.With Adelaide’s richly peppered superstitions and deep family roots at stake, Marielle must sort out the truth about Susannah Page and Holly Oak— and make peace with the sacrifices she has made for love.

My Thoughts:
The young bride that moves into her husband’s first wife home is first scared that there a ghost in the house. She not understand what it was doing to the people inside the home or what the people inside the house was doing to the family.

A mystery unfolds itself though Marielle. Caroline come home to help explain what was going on and what was happening Carson and her mother. Her mother does not know what going but think the house is stuck. Things start to clear up about Susannah Page in letters when Caroline less her in on what the truth is and what is happening.

I do not want to give away how it ends or any of the secret the books has to offer. Though I will tell you it tell you about the part of the Civil War and the Battle of Fredericksburg. It tell about romance and in love. But I will let you decide If you want to pick it up and want to read. Just because I like to read about Civil War a bit does not mean you would not to so you may decide that you want so I will let you decide for yourself. Now if I were asked I recommend this book for sure.

My Reviews: Goodreads / Shelfari / Libarary Thing / Barnes & Noble /

My Rating:
Note: “I received this book for free from WaterBrook Multnomah Publishing Group for this review. It is my honesty Review.”

Review: A Sound Among the Trees

Title of Book: A Sound Among the Trees
Author: Susan Meissner
Genre: Civil War, Historical Fiction, Military, Romance, Young Adult, Adult, Mystery
Publisher: WaterBrook Multnomah
Pub Date: October 4 , 2011 (336 Pages, Paperback)
Book Source: Paperback
Author Contact: Twitter / Website /

A house shrouded in time.
A line of women with a heritage of loss.As a young bride, Susannah Page was rumored to be a Civil War spy for the North, a traitor to her Virginian roots. Her great-granddaughter Adelaide, the current matriarch of Holly Oak, doesn’t believe that Susannah’s ghost haunts the antebellum mansion looking for a pardon, but rather the house itself bears a grudge toward its tragic past.When Marielle Bishop marries into the family and is transplanted from the arid west to her husband’s home, it isn’t long before she is led to believe that the house she just settled into brings misfortune to the women who live there.With Adelaide’s richly peppered superstitions and deep family roots at stake, Marielle must sort out the truth about Susannah Page and Holly Oak— and make peace with the sacrifices she has made for love.

My Thoughts:
The young bride that moves into her husband’s first wife home is first scared that there a ghost in the house. She not understand what it was doing to the people inside the home or what the people inside the house was doing to the family.

A mystery unfolds itself though Marielle. Caroline come home to help explain what was going on and what was happening Carson and her mother. Her mother does not know what going but think the house is stuck. Things start to clear up about Susannah Page in letters when Caroline less her in on what the truth is and what is happening.

I do not want to give away how it ends or any of the secret the books has to offer. Though I will tell you it tell you about the part of the Civil War and the Battle of Fredericksburg. It tell about romance and in love. But I will let you decide If you want to pick it up and want to read. Just because I like to read about Civil War a bit does not mean you would not to so you may decide that you want so I will let you decide for yourself. Now if I were asked I recommend this book for sure.

My Reviews: Goodreads / Shelfari / Libarary Thing / Barnes & Noble /

My Rating:
Note: “I received this book for free from WaterBrook Multnomah Publishing Group for this review. It is my honesty Review.”

Review: Fearless

Book Title: Fearless: The Heroic Story of One Navy SEAL’s Sacrifice in the Hunt for Osama Bin Laden and the Unwavering Devotion of the Woman Who Loved Him
Author: Eric Blehm
Genres: Non Fiction, War, Military, Christian, Fearless, Family, Navy Seal
Publisher: The Doubleday Religious Publishing Group
Pub Date: May 22, 2012 (256 Pages, Hardcover)
Book Source: Hardcover, Received for an Honest review
Contact Author: Goodreads / Website
Read the first Chapter: Chapter 1
Get the Book here: Waterbrook Multnomah / Book Site /

Fearless takes you deep into SEAL Team Six, straight to the heart of one of it’s most legendary operators.

When Navy SEAL Adam Brown woke up on March 17, 2010, he didn’t know he would die that night in the Hindu Kush Mountains of Afghanistan—but he was ready: In a letter to his children, not meant to be seen unless the worst happened, he had written, “I’m not afraid of anything that might happen to me on this Earth, because I know no matter what, nothing can take my spirit from me.”

But long before Adam Brown became a member of the elite SEAL Team Six—the counterterrorism unit that took down Osama bin Laden—there was a fun-loving country boy from Arkansas whose greatest goal had been to wear his high school’s football jersey. An undersized daredevil, prone to jumping off roofs into trees and off bridges into lakes, Adam was a kid who broke his own bones but would never break a promise to his parents … until he grew older, and his family watched that appetite for risk draw him into a downward spiral that eventually landed him in jail.

FEARLESS is the story of a man of extremes, whose determination was fueled by faith, family, and the love of a woman. It’s about a man who waged a war against his own worst impulses and persevered to reach the top tier of the U.S. military. Always the first to volunteer for the most dangerous assignments, Adam’s final act of bravery led to the ultimate sacrifice.

FEARLESS is the intimate story of a devoted man who was an unlikely hero but a true warrior, described by all who knew him as just that—fearless.

My Thoughts:
When I read about this book from the author that email that was sent to me. I was like yes I want read about this. I really did enjoy it.

It about the life of a Navy Seal named Adam Brown. It take you though this live from when He was born to when he died. The story starts out with an interview kind of setting. Though it goes though from How his parents meet and then and it goes though focus on Adam life. I really is a good read. It got to my emotions a bit twice though out the book.

There are somethings that Adam does that are strange but also some really bad things. You will be surpirese to see where he end up being. It quite amazing at what he was able to to do and fight though to get there. If you want a good read and Non Fiction book this is a good one to pick up and read. It read though this family and teammates and friends.

My Rating:
Other People Reviews:
If you have read this book and wrote a review and want to be listed just leave a comment or permalink to it.
Note: “I received this book for free from WaterBrook Multnomah Publishing Group for this review.” It my Honest Review.

Review: Armywives

Title of Book: Army Wives, Under the Sabers
Author: Tanya Biank
Genre: Military, Army, Non Fiction, War, Adult
Publisher: St. Martin’s Griffin
Pub Date: May 27, 2009
Book Source: Borrowed from the Library
Contact Author: Website
Where to Buy: Amazon, Barnes & NobleBooksamillion.com, Walmart

In the summer of 2002, Army wives were in the headlines after Tanya Biank, a military reporter for the Fayetteville Observer, made international news when she broke the story about four Army wives who were brutally murdered by their husbands in the span of six weeks at Fort Bragg, an Army post that is home to the Green Berets, Airborne paratroopers, and Delta Force commandos. By that autumn, Biank, an Army brat herself, realized the still untold story of Army wives lay in the ashes of that tragic and sensationalized summer. She knew the truth: wives were the backbone of the Army. They were strong – not helpless – and deserved more than the sugarcoating that often accompanied their stories in the media.” “Under the Sabers tells the story of four typical Army wives who, in a flash, find themselves neck-deep in extraordinary circumstances that ultimately force them to redefine who they are as women and wives. In this researched account, Biank takes the reader past the Army’s gates, where everyone has a role to play, rules are followed, discipline is expected, perfection praised, and perception often overrides reality. Biank explores what happens when real life collides with Army convention.” She describes what it means to be a wife and mother in a subculture that is in a constant state of readiness for war. In this book, Biank takes a close look at the other woman – the Army itself – and its impact on wives, marriages, and home life.

My Thoughts on this Book:
I checked this book out so I could understand a show that was called “Army Wives” on lifetime. I knew the show was based on the book. So finally had checked it out to read it.

When I started reading the book. Tanya Banks starts by tell you about herself in terms of telling you a little of what going on around her and her breaking the news. She goes to a army post to get her reports and tell you about what going on. She also introduces four army wives and families.

Each family is tell their own story by the army wife. She goes from wife to many but she also tell tales as she is apart of the story as well. The story starts with her a bit and then you meet the families and she start each section of the book. You get the whole story of each family she talking about beging to end with her in it. She also close the book talking. I do recommend this book if you are Armywive fan as of the show on lifetime.

I was into this book. I felt each armywives heart and feelings. I felt I like was there in their house. You can certify feel the emotions to each armywives and family. It may be a bit confusing at first but you do understand as it goes from one family to the next. The show protrait the book a bit not completely but does goes with it.

My Reviews: Goodreads

My Rating:
Other People Reviews:

If you have review this book and want to be listed, please leave a comment and your permalink.