A Quest for Good Manners

Book Title: A Quest for Good Manners
Author: Karin Lefranc
Genres: Children, Education, Good Manners, Adventure
Publisher: Beluga Press
Pub Date: June 1, 2011 ( 32 Pages, Hardcover)
Book Source: I received it from the Author herself for an Honest review
Contact Author: Goodreads

Rosalind is not your typical princess–she and her pet dragon, Sparkler, are very rude. ”What’s the big deal with manners anyway?” the princess asks. ”Why do we always have to say please and thank you? And who cares how we use a napkin?”

Appalled by this behavior, the queen banishes the impolite pair from her castle until they find Good Manners. Percival, the wizard, sends them on their quest with the help of a magic fork, facing several challenges along the way. Not until the final test do Rosalind and Sparkler discover the real secret behind Good Manners.

Manners are more than mere rules of etiquette–good manners make others feel at ease and are the foundation of compassion and gratitude. It is a never-ending quest for parents and teachers to instill in our children the importance of good manners. This book is a precious tool in achieving that goal. Children and parents alike will love–and learn from–this story.

My Thoughts:
I finished this book and It as sweet and cute. I enjoyed the pictures and really enjoyed the dragon. I love the pictures in the book. it was lovely story about Good Manners. It teaches us manners, table manners, the three magic words.

They go on three different quests to three different places. It really educational and good for very young children and the picture are beautiful. It good for boys and girls and all age group for children.

My Reviews: Goodreads / Shelfari

My Rating:

Review: The Quest for Good Manners

Book Title: A Quest for Good Manners
Author: Karin Lefranc
Genres: Children, Education, Good Manners, Adventure
Publisher: Beluga Press
Pub Date: June 1, 2011 ( 32 Pages, Hardcover)
Book Source: I received it from the Author herself for an Honest review
Contact Author: Goodreads

Rosalind is not your typical princess–she and her pet dragon, Sparkler, are very rude. ”What’s the big deal with manners anyway?” the princess asks. ”Why do we always have to say please and thank you? And who cares how we use a napkin?”

Appalled by this behavior, the queen banishes the impolite pair from her castle until they find Good Manners. Percival, the wizard, sends them on their quest with the help of a magic fork, facing several challenges along the way. Not until the final test do Rosalind and Sparkler discover the real secret behind Good Manners.

Manners are more than mere rules of etiquette–good manners make others feel at ease and are the foundation of compassion and gratitude. It is a never-ending quest for parents and teachers to instill in our children the importance of good manners. This book is a precious tool in achieving that goal. Children and parents alike will love–and learn from–this story.

My Thoughts:
I finished this book and It as sweet and cute. I enjoyed the pictures and really enjoyed the dragon. I love the pictures in the book. it was lovely story about Good Manners. It teaches us manners, table manners, the three magic words.

They go on three different quests to three different places. It really educational and good for very young children and the picture are beautiful. It good for boys and girls and all age group for children.

My Reviews: Goodreads / Shelfari

My Rating: