
Book Title: Firstborn
Author: Lorie Ann Grover
Publisher: Blink
Pub Date: January 28, 2014
Genre: Young Adult,
Declaimer: I received this book free from Book Look Bloggers (Booksqueeze) for an honesty review.
Synopsis: In Lorie Ann Grover’s new YA novel, Tiadone has been forced to live her entire life as a female accepted as male in her community in order to survive as a firstborn child. But when she needs to pass the rites of manhood, she finds the Creator may have use for her feminine traits after all. 
My Thoughts: This book is okay. Though I do not really get this plot of the book. You get a look of what a girl has to do though and live in this society that was dominated by men. You also get a look at what a boy has to go though. Tiadrone stuggles with herself and her female. Their are trials that Tiadrone goes though. She also finds the truth as well.

Reviews: GoodreadsLibrarythingShelfari / Barnes & Noble

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